Non-news and Commercial Filming
UH restricts the use of its land or buildings for commercial filming. Non-news and commercial film shoot requests must be submitted to the Brand Management, Licensing & Trademarks team. Express permission, a facility license agreement and proof of insurance is required, and requests will be considered on a limited, case-by-case basis.
Brand Management, Licensing & Trademarks will consider film and photography requests featuring the involvement of UH students, faculty or staff or the creation of television, documentary or educational programs with subject matter related to the University. Programs or proposals with no subject matter or relation to the University may not be approved.
Written Film Shoot Request
Non-news and commercial requests must be made in writing at least 30 days prior to proposed shooting. Requests should be sent to If the initial request is approved by the Brand Management, Licensing & Trademarks team, UH divisions, colleges and other established units sponsoring or related to the request will be required to assist with executing required documents, securing facilities and other accommodations related to the request.
Requests must include the following information:
- Name and description of the organization or individual making the request
- Name, office and email address of the UH individual, division/college, department or organization involved in the filming or photography
- Project description, which may include scripts or storyboards, the context in which UH is to be portrayed, the intended use of the resulting material, proposed number of crew, actors and/or other people involved in the project who will be present
- Proposed date(s) and time(s) for the production, including the duration of setup, shooting and equipment breakdown
- A copy of all proposed releases, agreements or other legal documents proposed by the production company
- Specific site(s) requested, including all locations within the site including rooms, hallways other facilities within or on the outside premises of the requested facility. Requests absent specific locations will not be considered
- A description of the proposed equipment that will be used, including cameras, lights and props
- Proposed electrical needs of the project, including use of electrical cords and equipment
Responsibilities of Sponsoring Unit
The Brand Management, Licensing & Trademarks team will notify the organization making the request and the “sponsoring” UH individual, division/college or organization listed on the application regarding the status of the application. If approved, the sponsoring UH department will appoint a representative to work with the requestor or the requestor’s production company to secure location permissions and other required documentation, including the facility license agreement, proof of insurance and any associated fees. UH business administrators should be involved in executing the facility license agreements; and any proposed agreements or releases put forth by the production company will require submission to the UH Office of Contract Administration for review and approval. The signatory authority of the sponsoring division/department will be responsible for all contracts related to the shoot.
Approval of the initial request by Brand Management, Licensing & Trademarks does not ensure or imply approval of the requested location and successful execution of required documents.
Location Permissions
When requesting permission to use a space for commercial filming, the UH representative will provide the approved film shoot request to the dean’s or vice president’s office of the college or division, or the building manager of the desired facility that controls the space. In addition to departmental approval, permission must be granted from individual faculty responsible for specific classroom, laboratory or other research space. Fees may vary depending on the facility requested.
Facility License Agreement, Insurance and Accommodations
Once location permissions have been secured for specified dates and times, the UH representative will execute a Facility License Agreement (FLA) outlining purpose, dates, times and locations of the shoot. The FLA is a contract document and must be processed through your division or college’s business administrator and signed by a University official with Signature Authority. Before a FLA can be signed, the production company should provide the proof of liability insurance outlined in the agreement. The Facility License Agreement is a standard contract form. Any changes to the contract require further approval by Contract Administration, and any proposed additional agreements or releases put forth by the production company will require submission to Contract Administration for review and approval.
The UH representative is responsible for arranging any additional accommodations related to the film shoot request, including parking, security and/or facilities and maintenance requests.
The Office of Media Relations should be supplied with a final document detailing the dates, times and locations of the approved shoot by email to Brand Management, Licensing & Trademarks will notify the University of Houston Police Department of all approved film shoots.
Guidelines and Information
The following guidelines are applicable to all film shoots on campus:
- Filming must not be disruptive and must be done in accordance with all University policy.
- The project must not create a safety hazard for anyone involved in the project or to the campus community.
- Prior permission is required for all non-news and commercial film shoots.
- Indoor shooting at UH is prohibited without permission by the University, and, if applicable permission from faculty members responsible for the space.
- Appropriate releases are required for all individuals appearing on-camera.
- Various fees may be incurred during film shoots requiring university services, including use of certain facilities.
- Facsimile weapons, pyrotechnics, explosives, amplified sound, sound or visual effects and other props that would cause alarm to the campus community are prohibited.
- Commercial works that include the University’s name, logos or other trademarked images need to be granted a license from the University for use of trademarks.
- Members of the University Media Relations staff are not available to scout locations for non-news and commercial film requests.
For more information, visit Filming at UH.