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Class Scheduling

Class Scheduling in the Office of the University Registrar includes

  • the planning and development of the academic class schedule using both PeopleSoft and Ad Astra and
  • the support for use of the Schedule Planner tool.

Please select from the left-hand menu to learn more about each of these areas.

If you have questions, please contact us.


The Class Scheduling Cycle

Pre-Phase:  Preparation

  • Preferences are submitted to OUR or updated via a survey found on SharePoint. Security access needs to be granted by OUR before you can begin. 
  • Specific training documents have been prepared to walk users through the preference creation process.
  • Colleges maintain update ability to change rooms for term until the ORD date of term.
  • Class Schedule Development Meeting hosted.

Phase 1:  Initial Schedule Building

  • Schedule copied from prior like term (summer to summer, fall to fall, or spring to spring) in PeopleSoft.
  • Colleges notified to begin scheduling/adjusting courses in PeopleSoft. Concentrate on every detail of course sections except room location.
  • ORD of current active term (not the upcoming term that is being scheduled at this phase) usually occurs during this time and is when all scheduler’s security changes to view only as only OUR can make room changes for classes after ORD.
  • Colleges complete phase 1 scheduling for Optimization.

Phase 2: Optimization

  • PeopleSoft course section information for the upcoming term(s) is loaded into Ad Astra.
  • OUR manually assigns room for any courses with capacity of 150 or higher.
    • These class sections are marked as do not optimize so the room assignments do not change.
    • OUR reserves the right to decrease or increase the capacity cutoff of manual room assignments based on overall needs of the University.
  • OUR runs optimization multiple times for each college individually.
    • OUR will be in constant communication with colleges during this time for feedback in what preferences may need updating to get as many courses automatically scheduled correctly as possible.
    • Optimization reports will be provided to colleges for review, as possible, to better assist communicating with OUR.
  • OUR runs optimization multiple times for the entire University at the same time.
  • One final optimization is published and imported into PeopleSoft.

Phase 3:  Scheduling and Regional Room Assignment – 2 Week Duration

  • Scheduler’s security is changed again to allow them to make manual changes for course belonging to their college only in their specific region.
  • Colleges continue to schedule courses in PeopleSoft and manual assign room in Ad Astra.

Phase 4:  Scheduling and Room Assignment – GP rooms released

  • Scheduler’s security is changed again to allow them to make manual changes for course belonging to their college only in their specific region and/or all of the designated GP (general purpose) classrooms across the entire University.
  • Colleges continue to schedule courses in PeopleSoft and manual assign room in Ad Astra until ORD of term.
  • Scheduler’s must first acquire permission from other region to use another area’s non-GP classroom.

Phase 5:  Enrollment Begins

  • Changes to a scheduled course must be made following protocol if registration has already occurred in course.
  • Changes in PeopleSoft may not be automatically changed in Ad Astra. You must confirm that the change automatically occurred in Ad Astra. If it did not, then you must drop the room assignment in Ad Astra prior to canceling the section in PeopleSoft.
  • Colleges should complete all manual scheduling at least two weeks prior to term start (rare extenuating circumstances allowed).

Phase 6:  ORD Occurs – End of Scheduling Cycle

  • Ad Astra is locked down to view only for all schedulers until the next term schedule is published.

All room changes after ORD must be made by OUR.