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If you are a non-University of Houston student seeking to enroll at University of Houston, information is available on the Visiting student webpage.  


A number of inter-institutional graduate student enrollment agreements have been established , enabling graduate students from one institution to take graduate-level courses at one of the other participating institutions. Students must be registered full-time (nine credit hours) between their home institution (the University of Houston) and their host institution during the semester they register for courses under the inter-institutional agreement. The institutions currently participating in inter-institutional agreements include the University of Houston, Baylor College of Medicine, Texas A&M Health Science Center, Rice University, the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston and the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston.  

Registration Rules and Guidelines  

  • Requested class must not be offered by the home institution during the requested term/semester  
  • Requested class must be necessary for completion of graduate degree  
  • Students may not take a Pass/Fail or an Audit course  
  • Visiting students may register for a total of no more than 12 credit hours outside their home institution, as part of the inter-institutional agreement  
  • Number of credits allowed per term/semester may vary depending on the policy of the host school  
  • All approval signatures must be completed  
  • Foreign students taking inter-institutional courses: You must check with ISSSO regarding additional paperwork. Most host schools will require a copy of your I-20/DS-2019, visa stamp, passport ID page , and I-94.  

For a comprehensive list of Registration Deadlines (including ADD, DROP, deadlines , etc.), please consult the semester specific Academic Calendar

Enrollment Process for University of Houston Students  

This section details the procedures and the required signatures necessary for a UH student to register with Baylor College of Medicine, Texas A&M Health Science Center, the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston , or  Rice University.  

  • Enrollment p rocess for University of Houston s tudents r egistering for a c ourse at Baylor College of Medicine  
  • Enrollment process for University of Houston students registering for a course Texas A&M Health Science Center  
  • Enrollment process for University of Houston students registering for a course at University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston  
  • Enrollment process for University of Houston students registering for a course at University of Houston.  

Enrollment Process for University of Houston Students Registering for a Course at Baylor College of Medicine  

Enrollment Process for University of Houston Students Registering for a Course at Texas A&M Health Science Center  

Enrollment Process for University of Houston Students Registering for a Course at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston  

Enrollment Process for University of Houston Students Registering for a Course at Rice University  

Transfer Credit  

  • The host university should automatically send an official transcript to the University of Houston Office of the University Registrar — however, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the transcript is sent and then received by the Registrar’s office at UH.  
  • Credit will be applied toward the student's record after receipt of the official transcript from the host university. The course(s) will reflect as II Inter-Institution and carry the same course title as reflected on the host university transcript.  
  • The University of Houston course II Inter-Institution is applied since courses taken through Inter-Institutional agreements have no equivalent at UH.  
  • No grade is entered, and these courses have no effect on a UH student's grade point average.  


Fees are paid directly to the University of Houston.  


If you are a non-University of Houston student seeking to enroll at University of Houston, information is available on the  Visiting Student webpage .