Social Influences and Health Behaviors Lab

The primary purpose of our lab is to conduct and disseminate innovative social psychological research that has the potential to make practical and meaningful contributions to individuals and society as a whole.
A central theme is the focus on social psychological principles related to etiology, prevention, and treatment of addictive and health related behaviors. Specific outcomes and processes of interest include:
- Brief interventions for heavy drinking, other substance use, and problem gambling, and intimate partner violence.
- Norms based interventions
- Web based personalized feedback
- MI delivered personalized feedback
- Expressive writing
- Event and context specific interventions
- Protective effects of religion and spirituality and incorporation in brief interventions
- Egocentric and sociocentric social networks and implications for interventions
- Effects of alcohol on relationships
- Effects of global and social anxiety and anxiety sensitivity
- Expectancies, motives, protective behaviors, family history, culture, shame and guilt
- Novel statistical methodologies
- Populations of interest:
- College students
- General population
- Military/Veterans
Clayton Neighbors, Ph.D. Professor and Director