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Clinical Services

Clinical servicesThe Psychology Research and Services Center has merged its psychotherapy and counseling services with the UH Health Family Care Center, which offers a full range of behavioral health services for children, adults, and families. For appointments, please call 713-743-9682. Located on the UH campus in the Health 2 Building, more information can be found on the Family Care Center website:

Some faculty laboratories continue to offer assessment services and intervention services for specific concerns. All services are on a sliding scale basis. 

Assessment Services

We provide a wide range of psychological testing and evaluation services for children and adolescents on a sliding fee scale (e.g., intellectual/academic assessment, personality assessment, assessment of behavioral functioning and psychopathology).

ADAPT-UH (Dr. Carla Sharp, Ph.D)

The Adolescent Diagnosis Assessment Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) Center of UH provides comprehensive assessments of adolescent typical and atypical function with a focus on adolescent-specific challenges, including emotion regulation problems, identity development, interpersonal difficulties, self-harm and suicidal behaviors. Please call 713-743-8612 or visit

Anxiety and Health Research Lab/Substance Abuse Clinic

This clinic is designed for the study, assessment, and prevention/treatment of anxiety-substance use disorders as well as general promotion of positive health behavior change (e.g., increasing physical fitness levels). It is also a teaching laboratory that trains undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral, and visiting scholars in the measurement, analysis, and integration of processes that govern anxiety-substance use relations and their physical health and socioeconomic correlates (e.g., physical illnesses, life satisfaction).

Michael J. Zvolensky, Ph.D.

Center for Forensic Psychology

This center is dedicated to the advancement of scientific knowledge in psycholegal issues and the development of state-of-the-art practices in psycholegal consultation through advanced forensic research and application of such research and theory to professional practice.

CFP offers forensic consultation and evaluation services in a variety of criminal and civil areas of law. Forensic research areas include evaluation of services for divorcing families, evaluation of child witnesses, and jury decision-making. The development of CFP provides a meaningful connection between these diverse areas and encourages future exploration of areas where psychology interfaces with the legal system. For appointments, please call 713-743-8503.

John P. Vincent, Ph.D., ABPP
Gerald E. Harris, Ph.D.

Center for Couples Therapy

This center provides assessment and therapy services for couples in committed relationships. The Couples Check-up involves a comprehensive assessment of a couple's strength and weaknesses in communication.

This profile is based on scientific research on couples' communication as it relates to long-term relationship success. Couples who are experiencing relationship difficulties as well as those who want to make an already good relationship even better can benefit from the Couples Check-up. Couples therapy is also available for couples who need help making changes to improve their relationships. For appointments, please email

Julia Babcock, Ph.D.
John P. Vincent, Ph.D., ABPP

Developmental Neuropsychology Clinic

The Developmental Neuropsychology Clinic (DNC) provides comprehensive neuropsychology evaluations for children with learning, attentional, or medical/neurological difficulties. The goals of an evaluation are to: (a) understand cognitive, academic, and behavioral strengths and weaknesses; (b) provide diagnostic services; and (c) provide individualized recommendations to promote success at school, home, and other settings. The DNC clinic specializes in working with children and adolescents (6-17 years old) in grades 1-12. Please note that we do not do screening/partial evaluations, or evaluate children for autism and related disorders. The DNC fees are on a sliding scale. Our physical location is on the UH campus in the Health 2 Building. For appointments or further information, please call 832-842-2006, or visit us at our website here

Paul T. Cirino, Ph.D.

Sleep and Anxiety Center of Houston (SACH)

SACH is a clinical research center in the Department of Psychology at the University of Houston dedicated to understanding the connections between daytime emotions and behavior and nighttime sleep patterns and problems. SACH offers both research opportunities and low-cost clinical services for children and adults based on the latest scientific evidence. For appointments, please call 713-743-3400 or email us at

Candice Alfano, Ph.D.