Photos & Videos
All photos and videos posted by University of Houston social media profiles must follow the Photo Release Guidelines.
The University of Houston emphasizes candid and in-the-moment photography, employing unexpected angles to craft a genuine feel. Portraits should exude confidence without seeming staged, enhanced by warm lighting that drives an aspirational tone. Action and group shots further our brand with candid warmth and confident subjects, while the lighting captures the University’s aspirations. Any images featuring University leadership require prior approval.
If you find that you need to use stock photography rather than original photos, make sure that you are not violating someone else’s copyright. Pexels and Unsplash are both great sources of free-to-use stock photography.
Learn more about photo guidelines
Best practices for social media videos can vary from platform to platform and they frequently change. Top-performing social media videos should catch the viewer’s attention early and keep them engaged throughout the duration of the video. The video’s first second will likely determine if the viewer will continue to watch. Always assume many viewers will not be watching with sound and include subtitles.
These are the recommendations for University of Houston social media videos as of August 2023:
Facebook Reels | X | Instagram Reels | YouTube | YouTube Shorts | |||
Aspect ratio | 1:1 16:9 4:5 9:16 |
9:16 | 1:1 16:9 4:5 9:16 |
9:16 | 1:1 16:9 |
16:9 | 9:16 |
Resolution | 1080 x 1080 px 1920 x 1080 px 1350 x 1080 px 1080 x 1920 px |
1080 x 1920 px | 1080 x 1080 px 1920 x 1080 px 1350 x 1080 px 1080 x 1920 px |
1080 x 1920 px | 1080 x 1080 px 1920 x 1080 px |
3840 x 2160 px 1920 x 1080 px |
1080 x 1920 px |
Frame rate | 24 30 |
30 24 |
24 30 |
30 24 |
24 30 |
24 30 |
24 30 |
Duration | Greater than 3 minutes Up to 241 minutes |
Less than 60 seconds Up to 90 seconds |
Less than 30 seconds Up to 2 hours (Blue subscription) |
Less than 60 seconds Up to 90 seconds |
Less than 60 seconds Up to 10 minutes |
2-15 minutes Any length |
Less than 60 seconds |
Style/content | Athletics Spirit Fun |
Fun Athletics Spirit |
Athletics News Spirit Fun Informative |
Fun Athletics Spirit |
News Informative |
Athletics News Spirit Fun Informative |
Fun Informative Athletics Spirit |
File type | .mp4 .mov |
.mp4 .mov |
.mp4 .mov |
.mp4 .mov |
.mp4 .mov |
.mp4 .mov |
.mp4 .mov |
Codec | H.264 | H.264 | H.264 | H.264 | H.264 | H.264 | H.264 |
File size | Less than 4 GB | Less than 4 GB | Less than 8 GB | Less than 4 GB | Less than 5 GB | Less than 256 GB | Less than 256 GB |
The bold options in each cell are preferred. Additional options are acceptable but are not first choice.
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