Online Graduate Certificate: Spanish as a Heritage Language

How to Apply for the Certificate
Individuals interested in the online Graduate Certificate in Spanish as a Heritage Language should fill out the CollegeNET Graduate Certificate Application
- B.A. in Spanish or equivalent
- Official transcript (An unofficial transcript may be uploaded by the student to CollegeNET in the Application for the review process. An official transcript must be received before staring the certificate)
- A statement in Spanish of 1-2 pages stating why you are interested in completing the Graduate Certificate in Spanish as a Heritage Language
- A letter of support from your supervisor/department chair/principal and names and contact information for 2 references
- TOEFL (for international students)
- Completed CollegeNET Graduate Certificate Application
Documents should be sent to:
University of HoustonDepartment of Hispanic Studies
Online Graduate Certificate in Spanish as a Heritage Language
3553 Cullen Boulevard Room 416
Houston, TX 77204-3062
For more information please contact:
Paola Arboleda-Ríos, Ph.D., Graduate Advisor, at
Marta Fairclough, Ph.D., Director, Spanish Heritage Language Program, at
$25 dollars
Deadlines for all applicants:
- Fall semester: June 15
- Spring Semester: November 15