Nathan Shepley
Selected Publications
Grants Received
Research Interests
Classes Taught
Phone: (713) 743-1573
Office: 244 Roy G. Cullen Bldg.
Grants Received
Research Interests
Classes Taught
Phone: (713) 743-1573
Office: 244 Roy G. Cullen Bldg.
- Ph.D., Ohio University
- M.A., University of Alabama
- B.A., Berry College
Selected Publications
- “White Clubwomen in the Progressive Era South and Ideological Framings of Education: Lessons for the Present.” College English, vol. 85, no. 5, 2023, pp. 442-62.
- “Spatial Knowledge Making from Writing about Appalachia outside Appalachia.” Pedagogy, vol. 22, no. 3, 2022, pp. 437-59.
- “‘They Want to Tell Their Story’: What Folklorists and Sociologists Can Teach Compositionists about Linking Scholarly Research to Nonacademic Communities.” Reflections: A Journal of Public Rhetoric, Civic Writing, and Service Learning, vol. 17, no. 1, 2017, pp. 11-35.
Research Interests
- History of Composition
- Composition Pedagogy
- Rhetoric and Ideology
- Qualitative Research
Classes Taught
Undergraduate- ENGL 1303: First Year Writing I
- ENGL 1304: First Year Writing II
- ENGL 3340: Advanced Composition
- ENGL 3341: Business and Professional Writing
- ENGL 4342: Gender and Writing
- ENGL 6300: Seminar in College Teaching of Language and Literature in English
- ENGL 7370: History of Rhetoric
- ENGL 7374: Critical Pedagogy
- ENGL 7396: History of Composition
- ENGL 8318: Research Seminar in Rhetoric and Composition
- ENGL 8395: Selected Topics in Rhetoric and Composition: Places of Composition
- ENGL 8395: Selected Topics in Rhetoric and Composition: Writing in Social Groups and Organizations
Affiliations and Links
- National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
- Rhetoric Society of America (RSA)
- Modern Language Association (MLA)
- Association of Rhetoric and Writing Studies (ARWS)
- Open Educational Resources Guide for English, a Pressbooks-published guide