Hosam Aboul-Ela
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Professor of English
AAEF Burhan and Misako Ajuz Professor of Arab Studies

- Education
- Research Interests
- Selected Publications
- Classes Taught
- Phone: (713) 743-3012
- Email: haboul-ela@uh.edu
- Office: Roy G. Cullen Building
- CV
Hosam Aboul-Ela works in the areas of comparative literature, literary theory, Arab cultural studies, U.S. literature, and postcolonial/deimperial studies. He is the author of two books of criticism and numerous scholarly articles. He has translated four Arabic novels into English and is the editor of Seagull Books Arabic List. He also co-edits with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak the series “Elsewhere Texts” for Seagull Books.
- Ph.D., University of Texas
- B.A., University of Texas
Selected Publications
- Aboul-Ela, Hosam. “Domestications: American Empire, Literary Culture, and the Postcolonial Lens”. Northwestern University Press, 2018.
- Ibrahim, Sonallah. “Warda”. Hosam Aboul-Ela, Translator. Yale University Press, 2021.
Research Interests
Post-Colonial Literature, Literary Theory, Transnational Studies, Faulkner Studies, Arab Studies
Classes Taught
- 3301 Introduction to Literary Studies
- 3322 Contemporary Novel
- 3351 American Literature from 1865-present
- 3365 Postcolonial Literature
- 7369 Introduction to Postcolonial Studies
- 7381 History of Narrative and Narrative Theory
- 8386 Topics in Postcolonial Studies
Current Book Project
- “The Reader in the World: A Primer for South to North Criticism”