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Current Grants

  1. Target Validation Core Rats (U01AA013476)

    NIH/NIAAA; $150,000/year (direct costs)
    Role: Principal Investigator
    The goal of this research program is to establish a behavioral testing core for the INIA-West Consortium aimed at testing potential pharmacotherapeutic agents for alcoholism. The main focus of this core is to conduct tests reflective of "craving" although other aspects of alcoholism (intoxication, negative affect) will be addressed.

  2. Human Methamphetamine Vaccine: Translational Avant Garde (DP1DA033502)

    NIH/NIDA, $500,000/year (direct costs)
    Thomas R Kosten, PI
    Role: Co-Investigator
    MA vaccines will provide practical and cost effective treament options, as cocaine and nicotine vaccines have already shown. The MA vaccines can have substantial impact on general medical practice and on reducing major risks for HIV transmission worldwide through treating dependence and potentially preventing abuse.

  3. Hypothalamic Neuronal Plasticity in Chronic Stress

    NIH/NCI, $31,306/year (direct costs for sub-contract)
    De-Pei Li (UT MD Anderson Cancer Center), PI
    Role: Co-Investigator
    The major goal of this project is test if chronic stress diminishes GABAergic inhibition and contributes to enhanced stress responses through the upregulation of NKCC1 and the depolarizing shift of EGABA in the PVN-CRH neurons

  4. Assessing Pharmacotherapies in Animal Models of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Alcohol Use Disorder

    Department of Defense
    Colin N. Haile, PI, Co-Investigator
    Role: Co-Investigator

    The major goal of this project is to test the ability of a kappa antagonist agent to reduce stress-induced enhancements of alcohol self-administration.