
Welcome to the Department of Psychology! We bring the best of psychological theory, techniques and research methods to the solution of real world problems. Our goal is to solve important human problems and to use these problems as critical vehicles for dynamic teaching and the enhancement of psychological theory and practice. A major objective of our teaching is to empower our students to use psychological knowledge for the solution of scientific, social and business problems.
The city of Houston provides the opportunity for students to do research and training in large industries, school districts of various sizes, multiple mental health programs and health care systems. Our students are trained in cooperation with the Texas Medical Center, the NASA Space Center, and with a variety of business and community organizations.
The University of Houston is committed to providing equality of treatment and opportunity in an environment that appreciates and respects the diversity of the community it serves. The University's Equal Educational and Employment Opportunity policy provides equal treatment and opportunity to all persons without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, veteran status or sexual orientation except where such distinction is required by law and promotes the full realization of equal opportunity through an affirmative action program.