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Lisa  Alastuey

Lisa Alastuey, Ed.D.

Clinical Professor

Office Number: 139 MEL
Phone: 713.743.0456
Fax: 713.743.9860


Mailing Address:
3875 Holman St., Rm 104 Garrison
Houston, TX 77204-6015

Research Interests

My areas of interest include obesity, women's health, and physical activity interventions.

Recent Publications and Research Activity

McAlexander, K., Sahnoune, I., Alastuey, L., Bode, S., & Lee, R. E. (2011) Using virtual and real, immersive technologies to enhance learning in obesity studies. Journal of CyberTherapy & Rehabilitation, 4(4), 455-460.

Olvera N, Knox B, Scherer R, Maldonado G, Sharma S, Alastuey L, and Bush J. A healthy lifestyle program for Latino daughters and mothers: The BOUNCE overview and process evaluation, American Journal of Health Education, September/October 2008; 39(5) 283-295.

Alastuey, L. Children of Alcoholics (COAs): What you need to know and how to help. The Texas School Health Association Brief, Summer, 2007; XI (2) 4-5.

Gingiss, P. and Alastuey, L. After the Storms: Youth reports of their interpersonal exposure and mental health status in the aftermath of Hurricanes Rita and Katrina. American School Health Association 81st Annual School Health Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii, July 13, 2007.

Olvera, N. and Alastuey, L. BOUNCE Program: Promoting Healthy Lifestyle in Low-Income Hispanic Mothers and Daughters. American School Health Association 81st Annual School Health Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii, July 13, 2007.

Alastuey L, Justice M, Weeks S, and Hardy J. A critical incident inquiry: credentialed teachers who do not teach. Teacher Education & Practice, Winter, 2006; 19(1), 71-79.

Alastuey, L., Justice, M., Weeks, S., and Hardy, J. (Fall, 2005). Why we complete a teacher education program-credentialed teachers: A critical incident inquiry. Education, 126(1), 37-46.

Alastuey, L. (November, 2005). Strategies for family members to influence their children's health behavior. The Texas School Health Association Brief.

Alastuey, L. (July, 2004). Americas number one health problem. The Texas School Health Association Brief.

Alastuey, L. (2004). Contributing Author: The TAHPERD Health Education Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Activity Resource Guide for Teachers, Grades K-5.

Alastuey, L. (November, 2002). Eating disorders and disordered eating among adolescents. The Texas School Health Association Brief.

Alastuey, L. (July, 2002). Young professionals involvement in governance of professional associations. The Texas School Health Association Brief.

Alastuey, L. (2001). Contributing Author: The TAHPERD Health Education Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Activity Resource Guide for Teachers, Grades 9-12.

Alastuey, L. (2000). Contributing Author: The TAHPERD Health Education Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Activity Resource Guide for Teachers, Grades 6-8.


B.S. in Major: Interdisciplinary Studies Minor: Health Education at Texas Tech University, 1996

M.Ed. in Major: Health Education Minor: Health Administration & Physical Education at Texas State University, 1998

Ed.D. in Supervision, Curriculum, & Instruction-Higher Education at Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2004