HHP Faculty win UH Teaching Innovation Program (TIP) grant
HHP Nutrition program faculty just won a $23,000 UH Teaching Innovation Program (TIP) grant to implement new and innovative approaches to teaching. The project titled “Joint Undergraduate Mentorship Program (JUMP)” is led by Ms. Claudia Scott and includes Dr. Bode, Dr. Alastuey, Ms. Ferrell, Ms. Svendsen-Sanchez and Mr. Mutgekar.
The Joint Undergraduate Mentorship Program (JUMP) team
The competitive Teaching Innovation Program grant is awarded to faculty who present a collaborative and innovative plan, to increase increase student success in learning course material, student ability to use/apply course material and to develop curriculum to help students become innovative and self-directed learners. The Joint Undergraduate Mentorship Program aims to increase retention and completion rates while cultivating professionalism and leadership skills of students in the department.