HHP Student Makes Good on a Promise
HHP student Jonathan Perry kept a promise made to an artist friend, Mr. John Painter who passed away this summer. John had beaten cancer multiple times only to succumb to complications after his final bout with it on June 21, 2014. Jonathan and John collaborated on paintings/drawings and made a pact that if the art work was sold, half the proceeds would go to cancer research. Jonathan Perry donated proceeds from the sale of paintings to further research at HHP.
Jonathan Perry with Dr. Layne and Dr. Park
Speaking of time spent collaborating on art work with John Painter, Jonathan said, “ We would have "art days" whenever we could on weekends where we would work on each other's art. Sometimes we came up with masterpieces other times just odd mash ups. We both decided if we were going to sell the art, half of the proceeds would go towards Cancer Research. Due to his medication John had difficulty holding a steady line which seems to compliment my OCD about geometric shapes and lines.”
Below is a sampling of some of the paintings created by Jonathan Perry and John Painter. If you wish to see the full collection or buy any of the pieces please contact Jonathan at walwynperry@gmail.com