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Dr. Lowder's Research Featured on Houston Public Media

HHP faculty Dr. Thomas Lowder's research on the impact of physical activity on individuals with a rare lung disease—lymphangioleiomyomatosis or LAM for short was recently featured in the segment UH Moment on Houston Public Media.

You can listen to the segment below:


Dr. Lowder in his lab with a study participant

Below is a excerpt from the article:

“This disease is hugely underrepresented.,” Lowder said. “There are maybe a 100 people studying it in this country, a hundred labs. And patient-wise, there are maybe 1,500 patients in the country that we know of.”

Lowder’s year-long study is examining the impact of physical activity on the disease, which is characterized by cysts in the lungs, respiratory failure and eventually lung transplant. There is no cure and treatment options are very limited.

“Researchers haven’t found anything that says this person is more susceptible than another,” he said. “We don’t have anything.  Not genetics, ethnicity, nothing.”

Read the entire article on the Houston Public Media website


Dr. Lowder in his lab