Images from Graduation Day - Fall 2014
The commencement ceremony for the UH graduating class of Fall 2014 was held on Friday, Dec 19, 2014 at 9.00 am in Hofheinz Pavilion at the University of Houston. Below are images of HHP faculty, staff and students at the ceremony.
Dr. Austin Bigley after being hooded by HHP Chair Dr. Charles Layne
Images from Commencement - Dec 19th, 2014
Dr. Hernandez with HHP students
HHP students lining up prior to graduation
Graduation Fall 2014
Drs. Layne and Hernandez with HHP students
A smile for the camera - HHP students at graduation
Dr. Lowder with students before the ceremony
Drs. Layne and Hernandez with HHP students
Dr. Lowder with a student before the ceremony begins
HHP chair Dr. Layne with students
HHP chair Dr. Layne with students
HHP chair Dr. Layne with students
HHP chair Dr. Layne with students
HHP chair Dr. Layne with students
HHP chair Dr. Layne with students
Dr. Layne with Austin Bigley
HHP chair Dr. Layne with students
HHP chair Dr. Layne with students
Dr. Layne with a nutrition program student
HHP chair Dr. Layne with students
HHP faculty on Yeoman field before the ceremony begins
The stage at Hofheinz Pavilion
Ms. Najmus Saher with her advisor Dr. Ledoux
Ms. Najmus Saher with HHP faculty
Dr. Lowder with HHP doctoral student Mr. Austin Bigley
HHP students at the Alumni center before graduation
HHP students at the Alumni center before graduation
HHP students at the Alumni center before graduation
HHP students at the Alumni center before graduation
Graduation Fall 2014
HHP students before graduation
HHP students before graduation
Graduation Fall 2014
HHP students before graduation
Showing off her cap
Dr. Lowder with HHP students
HHP faculty and students pose for a picture before the ceremony
HHP students in the processional
Dr. Pearson at graduation
Dr. Layne in the processional
The HHP contingent in the processional
UH Chancellor and President Dr. Khator in the processional
HHP faculty at graduation
HHP contingent in the processional
HHP contingent in the processional
Head gear at Graduation 2014
Head gear at Graduation 2014
Head gear at Graduation 2014
Head gear at Graduation 2014
Head gear at Graduation 2014
Head gear at Graduation 2014
Head gear at Graduation 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Head gear at Graduation 2014
Head gear at Graduation 2014
Head gear at Graduation 2014
Head gear at Graduation 2014
Head gear at Graduation 2014
Head gear at Graduation 2014
Dr. Khator addressing the gathering
The audience at graduation 2014
Dr. Layne hooding Austin Bigley
Dr. Layne congratulates Dr. Austin Bigley
Dr. Khator congratulates Dr. Austin Bigley
Dr. Austin Bigley
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Ms. Saher walking across the stage
Ms. Saher with Dr. Ledoux
Drs. Ledoux and Hernandez with Ms. Saher
Drs. Ledoux and Hernandez with Ms. Saher
Ms. Saher with Dr. Ledoux
Dr. Layne congratulating HHP graduates
Dr. Layne congratulating HHP graduates
Dr. Layne congratulating HHP graduates
Dr. Layne congratulating HHP graduates
Dr. Layne congratulating HHP graduates
Dr. Layne congratulating HHP graduates
HHP faculty and students at graduation 2014
Dr. Khator congratulating HHP graduates
Dr. Khator congratulating HHP graduates
HHP graduates walking across the stage
Big smiles - HHP students and faculty
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
HHP faculty Dr. Hernandez with Ms. Victoria Rios
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014
Graduation Fall 2014