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HHP Researcher Dr. Angela Robertson Featured in NCHP Newsletter.

The National Center for Human Performance, in its newsletter, recently featured HHP postdoctoral fellow Dr. Angela Robertson's research at The Center for Neuromotor and Biomechanics Research (CNBR)

An excerpt from the newsletter:

This month our featured investigator is Dr. Angela Robertson, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Houston, who is studying the biomechanics of the transition between walking and running in humans. She developed her interest in this topic while she was finishing her dissertation at Harvard University about the mechanics of bird flight.

The newsletter included an abstract from her research thesis.
Read the newsletter (pdf)

The National Center for Human Performance was recently recognized by the US Congress and designated as an Institution of Excellence. HHP's CNBR is a part of the National Center for Human Performance.

About CNBR


The Center for Neuromotor and Biomechanics Research (CNBR), HHP's latest research initiative, is located in the Texas Medical Center. The purpose of the Center for Neuromotor and Biomechanics Research is to serve as a regional hub for multidisciplinary research and technology development. Its location in the medical center will bring its tools and experts in physiology and engineering closer to the physicians and patient populations benefiting from and collaborating in their translational research work.

Visit the CNBR website