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You Are The Pride - HHP Outstanding Student Awards.

HHP's outstanding student awards ceremony for 2011 was held on Tuesday, April 26 2011 at Shasta's cafe. The ceremony was followed by a reception for the awards winners, faculty and students.

undergrad research day

Winning the award for Excellence in Fitness/Wellness, Marcela De La Garza
with Dr. Alastuey and Dr. Layne

(Scroll down for more images)

Below is a listing of student award winners and their respective award categories.

Excellence in Undergraduate studies:

Kathleen Woolley Excellence in Kinesiology
Marcela De La Garza Excellence in Fitness/Wellness
Audra Hollingsworth Excellence in Nutrition
Shannan Arnold Excellence in Sport Administration
Toochukwu “Ify” Mbah Excellence in Sport Administration

Excellence in M.Ed. studies:

Mary Buckner Excellence in Motor Behavior
Susan Bush Excellence in Sport Administration

Graduate awards in other categories:

Ygnacio Lopez, III Teaching Excellence Award
Heather Adamus Overall Graduate Student Excellence Award
Kelley Strohacker Tony Jackson Research Excellence Award
Scherezada Mama UH 2011 Staff Excellence Award

National recognition by the American Kinesiology Association:

Edrea Cook American Kinesiology Association's 2011 National Undergraduate Scholar
Lindsey Duramo American Kinesiology Association's 2011 National Undergraduate Scholar

Scholarship Awards:

Amanda Powell Barry C. Pelton scholarship
Yuli Pan Mary Louise White scholarship
Jennifer Woodland Margie Sterr scholarship


HHP Outstanding Student Awards Images: