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TORC's "Science and Community: Opportunity Reception" Featured on KPRC.
The Texas Obesity Research Center's first Science and Community Opportunity Reception was recently featured in a prime time segment on Houston's KPRC news.
"Science and Community: Ending Obesity Improving Health" is TORC's recently NIH-funded project to facilitate culturally centered community partnerships with a focus on eliminating health inequalities among Houstonians.
Click on the image below to see the clip:
Science and Community aims to promote sustainable obesity prevention and reduction among our African American and Hispanic or Latino communities by capitalizing on unique opportunities presented in the City of Houston.
The opportunity receptions will launch a series of interactive meetings, including workshops, symposia and conferences to form a partnership focusing on the problem of obesity across the lifespan with particular attention to children and women.
More details on the Science and Community Opportunity Reception's (pdf)