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HHP Faculty Dr. McFarlin Featured on Houston Public Radio.

HHP faculty Drs. McFarlin and Simpson's research using the Environmental Chamber in the Laboratory of Integrated Physiology at HHP was featured on KUHF 88.7 Houston Public Radio's UH Moment. UH Moment is a weekly feature heard on Wednesdays at 7:49 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.

The segment by Marisa Ramirez featured an extensive interview with Dr. McFarlin on how working out in extreme climates may suppress the body's immune system. You can listen to the entire segment below:

Click here to download the mp3 file

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Dr. Brian McFarlin with a test subject in the Environmental Chamber

Below is an excerpt from the article:

"Heat illness is a big problem," McFarlin said. "Despite the fact that it has been known to be a big problem for at least 50 years, there hasn't been good data to suggest what the exact risk factors are that contribute to heat related illness."

The environmental chamber is like a giant cooler—10 X 20, wall-to-wall stainless steel—where researchers control the temperature and humidity. The space can be heated up to 120 degree Fahrenheit or cooled to minus four degrees Fahrenheit to mimic the climate conditions in workouts, like two-a-day practices in the heat or winter outdoor bike rides. Subjects ride a stationary bike in the hot or cold chamber. Their heart and blood are monitored.

Read the entire article on the KUHF website (pdf version)

About UH Moment:

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KUHF 88.7, Houston Public Radio, broadcast by the University of Houston, has featured the HHP department in various segments on the program UH moment. UH Moment is a weekly feature heard Wednesdays at 7:49 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Featured each week are students, faculty and administrators telling stories of the innovative research, programs and successes that make up the story of the University of Houston.

You can listen to more stories on HHP previously featured on UH Moment here.

UH News Release

The University of Houston featured the Environmental Chamber in a news release, detailing Dr. McFarlin's research to examine extreme temps and the body’s immunities. below is an excerpt from the release:

"Our group is interested in how exercise disturbs the immune system," Associate Professor Brian McFarlin said. "Houston has a climate that is very prone to extreme amounts of heat, especially in the spring and summer months. Exercising in that environment may have very pronounced effects on the body and not really positive effects."

The environmental chamber at the department's Laboratory of Integrated Physiology resembles a giant cooler. At 10 feet by 10 feet, the temperature and humidity of the wall-to-wall stainless steel room can be adjusted from 120 degrees Fahrenheit to minus four degrees Fahrenheit. Subjects' blood and body temperature are monitored as they work out on stationary bikes. McFarlin says other institutions have environmental chambers, but not many are used to collect data on a problem that has touched the lives of the very elderly and the very young.

Read the entire release on the UH website

More Media Mentions

HHP's Environmental Chamber and Dr. Mcfarlin's research has been featured extensively in the media, some publications are mentioned below:



Innovations report