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Showcase of Stars 2009.
The College of Education Alumni Organization held the 2009 Showcase of Stars event, at the Conrad Hilton Ballroom on the UH campus on Friday May 15th, 2009. The event honors outstanding Alumni and students from the College of Education. The Alumni Association Scholarship recipients are also honored.
Below are some images from the day.
The 2009 College of Educations's Alumni Honorees are:
Dr. Margaret Hawkins Hill
Dr. Suzanne Mounton-odom
Dr. Allen Jackson
Dr. Cameron White
The non-profit organization Collaborative for Children was designated this years Friend of Education
The recipients of the Alumni Association Scholarship for 2009 are:
Christina Arroyo-Giner
Imelda Bush
Hannah Fields
Marius Dettmer
Ryon McDermott
LaTonya Smith