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HHP's Research Featured in the NCHP Newsletter.
The National Center for Human Performance in its newsletter featured HHP faculty Dr. Adam Thrasher's research atThe Center for Neuromotor and Biomechanics Research (CNBR)
An excerpt from the newsletter:
Under the tutelage of Dr Adam Thrasher, Dr. John Ward is studying how and when functional electrical stimulation (FES) can be used effectively to help persons with spinal cord injuries redevelop lower extremity muscle strength and exercise capacity. The subjects in this study undergo a 13 week exercise program involving an exercise bike fitted with FES triggering circuitry to stimulate the lower limb musculature of persons with paraplegia. At the end of the exercise program, changes in muscle mass, endurance, and muscle strength are measured and compared to pre-exercise data. |
The Center for Neuromotor and Biomechanics Research (CNBR), HHP's latest research initiative, is located in the Texas Medical Center. The purpose of the Center for Neuromotor and Biomechanics Research is to serve as a regional hub for multidisciplinary research and technology development. Its location in the medical center will bring its tools and experts in physiology and engineering closer to the physicians and patient populations benefiting from and collaborating in their translational research work.