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NCHP Features HHP Researchers at CNBR.
The National Center for Human Performance in its newsletter featured HHP faculty Dr. Adam Thrasher's research atThe Center for Neuromotor and Biomechanics Research (CNBR)
An excerpt from the newsletter:
During this past month Dr. Adam Thrasher and his team of students have made significant progress in our HRSA sponsored project to develop an upper extremity joint motion database. The project uses the University of Houston Center for Neuromotor and Biomechanics Research‘s motion capture system to track how the joints in the upper extremity work together during various activities of daily living and how they work together to define the useable work space for both “normal” subjects and persons with upper extremity limb loss. The data will be useful to designers of upper extremity prosthetics and orthotic systems as well as other people interested in upper extremity function. |
The article also featured the research of Chris Connaboy, a lecturer in Sports Science at Edinburgh Napier University in Edinburgh Scotland who is being hosted by CNBR.
Read the newsletter (pdf)
The Center for Neuromotor and Biomechanics Research (CNBR), HHP's latest research initiative, is located in the Texas Medical Center. The purpose of the Center for Neuromotor and Biomechanics Research is to serve as a regional hub for multidisciplinary research and technology development. Its location in the medical center will bring its tools and experts in physiology and engineering closer to the physicians and patient populations benefiting from and collaborating in their translational research work.