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CNBR Open House.
The Center for Neuromotor and Biomechanics Research (CNBR) held its open house on Thursday, March 26th 2009. The event was well attended and researchers were at hand to demonstrate various machines and explain their research to the attendees. Scroll down for pictures from the open house.
The April issue of the Texas Medical Center news featured CNBR's open house in an article titled "New UH Center Studies Movement in the Human Body".
An excerpt from the article: Read the entire article online (pdf version)
The new UH center is the first occupant at the Texas Medical Center’s National Center for Human Performance, which was founded in 2004 with the goal of using research and medicine to enhance human performance in the arts, sports, space exploration, and military performance. The TMC center’s advisory board members include astronauts, former athletes, an Olympic coach and representatives from many Texas Medical Center institutions. |
About CNBR:
CNBR, HHP's latest research initiative, is located at The National Center for Human Performance (NCHP) in the Texas Medical Center. The purpose of the Center for Neuromotor and Biomechanics Research is to serve as a regional hub for multidisciplinary research and technology development. Its location in the medical center will bring its tools and experts in physiology and engineering closer to the physicians and patient populations benefiting from and collaborating in their translational research work.