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Dr. McFarlin's online class featured in media worldwide.
Dr. Brian McFarlin's study of student involvement and academic performance in his online Kinesiology 3306 class versus the traditional Kinesiology 3306 class has been featured extensively in media and blogs around the world. Below are some quotes from articles and links to media featuring them. You can learn more about KIN 3306 on Dr. McFarlin's website.
Screen-shot of KIN 3306 online class
Brian McFarlin measured the student involvement and academic performance of a traditional class—Kinesiology 3306—from fall 2004 to fall 2005. He compared those measurements with those of students in the hybrid class, offered as an alternative from summer 2006 to fall 2007. “One reason we offered the hybrid class in the first place was because students said they wanted it,” said McFarlin, a researcher and assistant professor. “Their formal evaluations of the class indicated the traditional class didn’t take advantage of instructional technologies available, and that these technologies could give them additional help and access to course material outside of class time.” |
Quotes from the article
This study was published in the 2008 edition of "Advances in Physiology Education" (pdf version), a journal published by the American Physiological Society.
Links to Media and Blogs that featured this article:
Science Daily (pdf version of entire article) (pdf file) - Food for thought - Sitepal Avatars in Public Health - The Best of Both Worlds