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Marius Dettmer wins Bertec Balance Research Competition
Bertec Corporation has announced Marius Dettmer as one of the winners of the first Bertec Balance Research Competition. The fourteen winners have been awarded a one-year loan of balance equipment to complete novel research. Scroll down for details on the competition and a brief synopsis of Marius Dettmer's research proposal.
Press Release from Bertec Corporation:
Bertec Corporation Recognizes Young Researchers With Award of Equipment Columbus, Ohio, February 12, 2008 - Fourteen young researchers throughout the country have been awarded a yearlong loan of Bertec Corporation’s balance assessment and training systems to complete original, academic research. The winners were selected based on strong proposals outlining novel projects, as judged by an external review board. |
Click for more details on the research competition (new window)
Details of Marius Dettmer's research proposal:
Influence of different proprioceptive conditions on anticipatory postural adjustments in healthy subjects. On the first glance, upright stance seems to be the simplest motor task we can imagine. But if we look deeper, we find numerous neurophysiologic processes that ensure that we do not lose balance. These processes are highly reliant on sensory feedback from different sources, like the visual system, the vestibular system, skin- and muscle sensors. In addition to this, there are also feed-forward strategies related to upright stance: In advance to voluntary movement, there are preparatory activities, so called “Anticipatory postural adjustments” (APA). Muscle activity and body orientation are being altered prior to the actual onset of movement, to diminish body sway and instability of stance. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of this regulation is an important step towards comprehending how humans are able to cope with anticipated perturbances of balance. Moreover, we want to investigate how people with sensory deficits are able to learn how to regulate APAs without the availability of certain sensory information. We will investigate the role of one sensory system, the muscle sensors, by stimulating them with small muscle tendon vibrators. |