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HHP Faculty Featured in UH Magazine for $780,000 NASA funded Project.
HHP faculty Dr. Mark Clarke and Dr. Daniel O'Connor were featured in the winter 2008 edition of UH Magazine for their 3 year, $780,000 NASA funded study that will examine how well sweat patches, the size of adhesive strips, can detect levels of chemicals in the body (biomarkers) that may be red flags for bone loss.
Below is a excerpt from the article
The three-year, $780,000 study will examine three types of sweat patches, each differing in the way the sweat is collected and extracted from the devices. One device collects the sweat between the skin and a plastic layer; another is a commercially used patch that absorbs the sweat and then reconstitutes it with water. The third devise is called a Microfabricated Sweat Patch (MSP). It uses a disposable microfabricated capillary array packaged in a small plastic casing. The sweat is collected with a mini-centrifuge— technology developed by Clarke with Daniel Feeback, a lead scientist with NASA’s Life Science Directorate at the Johnson Space Center. |
Click to read the entire article (pdf version)
Dr. Clarke performs research on the effects of mechanical forces on the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. He also is actively involved in developing a number of technologies and approaches for real-time biomedical monitoring of these changes in astronauts and other clinically relevant populations.
Most of Dr. O'Connor's research is related to efficacy and effectiveness of medical (particularly orthopedic) and health-related interventions, effectiveness and patient-level outcomes in orthopedic surgery and Measurement of health and health-related quality of life. He also works in other fields of kinesiology (eg, health, obesity, exercise physiology, motor control, wellness, etc.).