Guest Speaker Panel: "Black, Brown and Blue: A Historical Discussion of Policing in Houston"
Guest Speaker Panel: "Three Feathers: Storytelling and Restorative Justice In Northern Indigenous Communities"
Amy C. Evans: "Houston in 2020: Self-Employed Black Artists- An Oral History Project by Amy C. Evans"
Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez: "Racial Health Disparities and Public History: Oral Histories of LatinX and African American Health in the COVID-19 Pandemic"
Guest Speaker Panel: "Seadrift Documentary Panel Discussion: Race, Refugees, and Redemption"
Stephen Klineberg: "Prophetic City: Tracking Responses to Mounting Inequalities, Ethnic Transformations, and Severe Storms"
Sarah Rafael Garcia: "Fairy Tales for Truth and Justice: Preserving and Re-presenting History through Contemporary Narratives"
Ruben Molina: "Chicano Soul: Recordings and History of an American Culture"
Dwight Watson: "Murder on the Bayou: Jose Campos Torres and Police Brutality"
Karl Jacoby: "The Strange Career of William Ellis: The Texas Slave Who Became a Mexican Millionaire"
Houston History Magazine Panel: "African American Studies: Community Impact and Future Outlook"
Houston History Magazine Panel: "Houston History Spring Launch Event: Italians Plant Roots in Houston"
Houston History Magazine Panel: "WIMS: Opening Dialogues Across Race, Region, and Religion"
Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez: Listening for Latina/o Voices
Carla Ulrich: Capturing Indigenous Community through Film
Martha S. Jones: Honoring Black Agency in an American Democracy
Brian D. Behnken: Tweeting through Race, Policing, and Social Change
Allison Anderson: Female Physicians of Houston Negro Hospital (Riverside General): Stories from the Third Ward
Brandy Black: Women of Houston's Student Civil Rights Movement: Stories from the Third Ward
Denise Meringolo: Preserve the Baltimore Uprising: A Case Study in Radical Public History Practice